Why Do Viet Kieu Visit Vietnam During Tet?

Tet Nguyen Dan, or the Lunar New Year, is one of the most significant holidays in Vietnam. For Viet Kieu, or overseas Vietnamese, visiting their homeland during this festive season is a cherished tradition that offers a profound connection to their cultural roots. This article explores why Vietnamese expats choose to return during Tet and how they can make the most of their trip.

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Why Do Viet Kieu Visit Vietnam During Tet?

Why Do Viet Kieu Visit Vietnam During Tet?

Reconnecting with Family and Heritage

For many Viet Kieu returning to Vietnam, Tet is an opportunity to reunite with loved ones and reconnect with their heritage. It’s a time when families come together, honoring ancestors and celebrating with traditional customs that might be hard to maintain abroad. Vietnamese expats visiting their homeland during Tet feel a strong emotional pull, seeking to pass down these traditions to younger generations.

Experiencing Unique Tet Traditions

Tet offers overseas Vietnamese a chance to immerse themselves in vibrant and unique traditions that define Vietnamese culture. From giving lucky money (li xi) to participating in street festivals, Tet is a sensory feast that captures the spirit of Vietnam. These traditions are not just celebrations but also deeply rooted in gratitude, respect, and family values, which resonate strongly with those returning from abroad.

Escaping the Hustle of Life Abroad

For many Vietnamese expats, life abroad can be hectic and demanding. Visiting Vietnam during Tet allows them to escape the daily grind and enjoy the slower pace of life that is often observed during this holiday. The break provides not just a physical retreat but also a mental reset, allowing overseas Vietnamese to reflect on their journey and reconnect with their origins.

Renewing Cultural Identity and Pride

Tet is more than just a holiday; it is a celebration of national identity. For Vietnamese expats visiting their homeland, returning during Tet is a way to renew their pride in their cultural identity. The sights, sounds, and flavors of Tet rekindle childhood memories and foster a deeper appreciation of Vietnamese traditions, strengthening their sense of belonging.

How Can Viet Kieu Make the Most of Their Tet Trip?

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How Can Viet Kieu Make the Most of Their Tet Trip?

Plan Early to Avoid the Rush

Tet is the busiest time of the year in Vietnam, with millions of people traveling across the country. To ensure a smooth trip, Viet Kieu returning to Vietnam should book flights, accommodation, and any travel arrangements well in advance. Early planning helps avoid inflated prices and the stress of last-minute bookings.

Participate in Local Customs and Festivals

Engaging in local Tet activities is one of the best ways to experience the holiday authentically. From flower markets in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to traditional dragon dances, overseas Vietnamese can immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere. Visiting family graves to pay respects and making offerings at local pagodas are also essential Tet customs that should not be missed.

Reconnect with Ancestral Roots

For many Vietnamese expats, visiting ancestral villages or family homes during Tet is a deeply moving experience. This journey can provide a greater understanding of their heritage and a connection that transcends time and distance. Exploring these places offers a unique opportunity to understand the legacy left behind by previous generations.

Embrace the Traditional Tet Cuisine

Tet is synonymous with delicious food that carries symbolic meaning, such as banh chung (square sticky rice cake) and gio lua (Vietnamese pork sausage). Viet Kieu should embrace the opportunity to savor these traditional dishes, which are often painstakingly prepared by family members. These culinary experiences are a crucial part of reconnecting with one’s cultural heritage.


What should I pack when visiting Vietnam during Tet?

Pack comfortable clothing suitable for Vietnam’s varying climates, traditional attire for family gatherings, and gifts for family members, as gift-giving is an important Tet custom.

How long does the Tet celebration last in Vietnam?

Tet celebrations typically last for about a week, but the festive atmosphere can extend longer, especially in major cities and rural areas where traditions are strongly observed.

Is Vietnam crowded during Tet?

Yes, Vietnam is extremely busy during Tet as many people travel home to celebrate with family. Plan your travel carefully to avoid peak rushes and enjoy a smoother experience.

Can I participate in Tet festivals as a visitor?

Absolutely! Many Tet festivals and events are open to both locals and visitors. Joining in these festivities is a great way to experience Vietnamese culture first-hand.

What are some traditional Tet foods to try?

Key Tet foods include banh chung, mut (candied fruits), thit kho (braised pork), and dua muoi (pickled vegetables). Each dish has its own symbolic meaning, adding to the rich cultural experience.

Experience Vietnam like never before this Tet with our exclusive Vietnam cultural tours, designed to connect you deeply with your roots.

Book your journey today and celebrate the essence of Tet!


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